Pre-configured CGI Scripts Included with all Value and Premium Hosting Plans
These pre-configured CGI scripts will be already installed
or are available through your web control panel with setting up your account:
VisitorBook Pro (Guestbook)
VisitorBook Pro lets you set up as many
individual guestbooks as you want! The Master Admin Program lets you (the
administrator) easily add, modify, or delete VisitorBooks from your system.
Administrator Options:
- Web Administration
- Create
New VisitorBooks
- Set
password for each VisitorBook
- Edit
- Delete
- Create Sub-Administrators for additional
- Define Layout
- Create your own template
- Demo
This commercial grade software program has a
retail value of $100.00, but is included with all our hosting plans free of
Web Forums Script - ready to run
- Web Administration
- Create and delete as many forums as you want
- Templates feature - modify the outlook of each forum
- Specify a moderator with a unique login/password for each
- Each moderator can fully customize his own forum
- Delete posts, threads etc.
- Archive your threads
- Ban IP addresses
- Censor words or replace a censored word with another one (nice
feature :-) )
- Main Admin Menu - have control over all forums (only for the
- Forum Moderator Menu - control moderated forums only
- Demo here - Short manual here
Free for
all links page - ready to run
- full script customization - customize header, footer, link
display, add own categories etc. ...
- automatic URL verification
- reject "bad" keywords and domains
- reject double posting
- set lifespan of posting
- set maximum number of links to hold
- logging feature
- send e-mail confirmation to poster
- Demo here - Short manual here
a virtual postcard - bird greeting call card
- pick a picture - choose between 8 different pics
- select between several music (midi) songs as background music
- select text and background colors
- add your own name, e-mail address and most important your
personal message
- sign your card
- Demo here
- create your own quiz
- allows up to 25 questions
- select text-, background-, link-color etc ...
- customize your own congratulatory
- e-mail the results
- Demo here
Vote - Poll It
- online image voting system
- easy web administration, password protected
- archiving your previous votes
- include vote and results in the same html page
via SSI call
- web template customization (output
- tracks the voting IP's
- Demo here
Text based site counter - Easily
added to pages, uses SSI
We are happy about visitor # [an error occurred while processing this directive]
(Reload the page to see how the counter is working :-) )
Simple graphical site counter
- really very easy to implement
- customizable count values
- You are visitor #
Short manual here
v1.6 - fully configurable forms send script; we provide sample order form
Form.cgi - A universal WWW form
to E-Mail gateway, allows any form to be sent by mail or written to a database.
Serverside Imagemap - for click able image redirection
SFE PageSearch - Advanced site
search engine with customized indexing
- create/delete word Index
- customize the search results page
- block certain file extensions from being indexed
We have indexed a bunch of pages from our demos
directory. Feel free
to enter anything in the search box below.
Try one of the following words for results: Miva,
spunkyworld, perl
Short manual here
Single Page Shopping Cart - This commercial grade
program can be fully web administered.
- capable of up to 25 products
- add product images
- add product options like sizes and colors
- customize tax rate for each state
- calculate shipping costs by different shipping methods
- simple credit card number verification - no fake numbers
- check out through our secure server
- generate a saleslip and send verification to you and your
- Demo here - Short manual here
Click and Go for page
redirection via query list
And of course, you can install your own CGI scripts in your personal