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Pre-Sale FAQ

General | Domain Names | FrontPage | CGI | PHP | E-Commerce 


- What is PHP?
- How is PHP run? CGI or Apache Module?
- What is the current version of PHP offered to clients?
- What userid do my PHP scripts run under?

- Can I use PHP in conjunction with MySQL?
- Do you have the Zend Optimizer for PHP installed?
- Do I get my own php.ini?
- Can I have my PHP customized with special PHP extensions?
- Where can I find more information on PHP and using it on my website?

Q: What is PHP?

A: PHP is a server-side, cross-platform, HTML embedded scripting language. It has a syntax familiar to both Perl and C. PHP-enabled web pages are treated just like regular HTML pages and you can create and edit them the same way you normally create regular HTML pages.

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Q: How is PHP run? CGI or Apache Module?

A: offers PHP as an apache module and as a cgi binary. Our clients may take advantage of both of these methods.
Our default config for PHP is CGI mode, which can be installed from your web control panel.
However, we do have certain machines where we also have installed the apache module mod_php4. On our mod_php4 servers it is possible to use a combination of mod_php4 and php as a cgi, so you could use mod_php4 where required and then use the php as cgi for the rest. You select which is used by naming the file either .php or .php3. .php3 will use mod_php4 and .php will use php as a cgi.

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Q: What is the current version of PHP offered to clients?

A: Currently PHP 4.3.4 is being distributed.

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Q: What userid do my PHP scripts run under?

A: Your PHP script will run under your USERID and group if you have PHP running in CGI mode.
If it is running in module mode, userid and group is nobody.

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Q: Can I use PHP in conjunction with MySQL?

A: Absolutely. One of the big advantages of PHP is the ability to interface to databases, including mySQL. Since we offer mySQL as a part of our service, you can have PHP act as a front-end to your mySQL databases.

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Q: Do you have the Zend Optimizer for PHP installed?

A: Yes, we have Zend Optimizer installed for PHP.

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Q: Do I get my own php.ini?

A: With our default configuration, PHP running as CGI binary you can get your own php.ini. With mod_php4 it is not possible, because there is only one shared, server wide configuration file.

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Q: Can I have my PHP customized with special PHP extensions?

A: If you need special extensions, we can do a customization for the PHP running in CGI mode. We can custom build a PHP specifically for you. Please email us for a quote along with the extensions you would like to have included in your PHP.

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Q: Where can I find more information on PHP and using it on my website?

A: PHP is quickly becoming a very popular scripting language. More information on PHP can be found on the official website, located at On their website, you can find a listing on all PHP functions, libraries, example scripts, a mailing list for developers, and other useful information.

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- Last modified on 10/22/2004 -

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